Student Robotics: Fixing the Cicuit (Part 2)

Shortly after making the changes from the last blog post, we tested the hardware by putting code into the Arduino UNO, but for some reason, nothing happened no matter how we changed the code. After a couple of hours of trying, we realized that the circuit didn’t work as intended and none of the parts including the Arduino, which was supposed to run the code, received any power. The power board was stuck in power-up mode, which we suspected was because it expected a response from the Brain Board, which it never got because it was disconnected. Having understood the issue, the only thing left was to change the circuit and test if our efforts were in vain (again).

Luckily, we got to see the desired green LED light of the power board, which was previously shining orange due to being stuck in power-up mode. Stay tuned to see what kind of challenges we will encounter next!

(author: Emilie)

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