Team MAI participated in the Student Robotics competition. The game was called „Capture the Flag“. The team consisted of 11 pupils. The great team spirit and team work was lauded by the Student Robotics committee and we won the Robot and Team Image Award.
Robot specifications:
- Basic kit from Student Robotics
- 2 motors with encoding
- 1 ultrasound sensor mounted on 1 servomotor
- 1 servo motor for controlling the arms of the bot
- Lots of aluminium
Team presentation:
The team presented itself as a secret society in cowls equipped with LED stripes. It was a great look – especially in the dark. 😉 The robot was upgraded with a matching pyramid.
Other projects:
We built a self stiring cup in cooperation with the arts department, the student council and the friends‘ association of our school. The cup featured the new corporate design of our school.
It had an advanced method of obstacle avoidence due to an ultrasound sensor mounted on a servo motor.
VDE Award
VDE Südbayern awarded a prize to our school. VDE honors outstanding technical efforts. Our school was lauded for its electro-technics team and the robotics team.