Corona Shutdown
Due to the corona virus pandemic our progress on the different projects is stalled. We notify you about any further progress as soon as possible.
Robotik-AG des Gymnasiums Markt Indersdorf
Due to the corona virus pandemic our progress on the different projects is stalled. We notify you about any further progress as soon as possible.
Due to the Covid19 pandemic situation the final competition of „Schüler bauen Roboter“ is postponed until further notice. 🙁
Weekly… uhm, yeah… weekly… 😉 Today we talked about the problems with the Corona virus, because perhaps we can’t go to the student robotics competition. Furthermore we optimized our big robot for the eurobot competition. (author: Bastian)
On 22.01.2020 we were at the Technical University of Munich, and we had our tech day with the other groups. Sadly we were the only group who had a robot that was moving. That means we could not test our robot with the robots of other teams. Instead we improved … Weiterlesen …
Merry Christmas for everyone! And let’s hope for a lot of thrilling competition days in the year 2020!
The team participating in „Schüler bauen Roboter“ had to learn to program. 🙂 (author: Bastian)
We built further parts of the Eurobot arena. And the chairman of the „Bund Naturschutz Markt Indersdorf“ met us. (author: Bastian)
This week we built the first parts of the arena for Eurobot. Furthermore the different projects provided the teams with update presentations about their projects. (author: Bastian)
This wednesday we finally had our kick-off-meeting at the Technical University of Munich and got some helpful information. The university’s team is kindly sponsoring a starter-kit to build our robot. Let’s get started! 🙂 (author: Raphael)
Team Munich is currently working on other projects until we will get more information at our kick-off meeting. Next week we are going to get more informations about our project. Then we will begin with our robot by sorting things out and planning the whole thing. (author: Leo)