Eurobot – no participation for international teams in robotics cup
It is no longer possible for international teams to join the Eurobot 2020 in France. 🙁 Nonetheless: Good luck to all french competitors joining the competition in late October!
Robotik-AG des Gymnasiums Markt Indersdorf
It is no longer possible for international teams to join the Eurobot 2020 in France. 🙁 Nonetheless: Good luck to all french competitors joining the competition in late October!
The german preliminary final is postponed until further notice. 🙁
Due to the corona virus pandemic our progress on the different projects is stalled. We notify you about any further progress as soon as possible.
Weekly… uhm, yeah… weekly… 😉 Today we talked about the problems with the Corona virus, because perhaps we can’t go to the student robotics competition. Furthermore we optimized our big robot for the eurobot competition. (author: Bastian)
Are we on the right track? Can we make it simpler? These are just examples of important questions we repetitively ask ourselves by turning plans to reality. To get answers we compare our progress to our goals, after every step we did. And we adapt the manufactured to what we … Weiterlesen …
Merry Christmas for everyone! And let’s hope for a lot of thrilling competition days in the year 2020!
The team participating in „Schüler bauen Roboter“ had to learn to program. 🙂 (author: Bastian)
After a lot of pressure at school, we continued working on the hardware of the big bot this week. The idea of using a frame of 2020 extrusions, which is composed of several layers, is similar to last year’s. The heavy motors are located in the first layer in order … Weiterlesen …
We built further parts of the Eurobot arena. And the chairman of the „Bund Naturschutz Markt Indersdorf“ met us. (author: Bastian)
This week we built the first parts of the arena for Eurobot. Furthermore the different projects provided the teams with update presentations about their projects. (author: Bastian)