GitHub updated
We updated our GitHub repositories.
Robotik-AG des Gymnasiums Markt Indersdorf
We updated our GitHub repositories.
We have learned: Thorough testing is one of the most important parts. All modules of our main robot are undergoing practical tests these days. The examination of the cannon consisted of several tasks. The cannon should not only shoot the balls. The balls should be landing inside the tower. We … Weiterlesen …
We solved one major equation for our positioning system. Let’s hope we didnt miss any important variables. 🙂 We updated our repositories, too. The working parts of our code are committed to GitHub.
HOLIDAY! And we are proud to be at our school preparing for our competitions. 😉 Both teams (the one for Schüler bauen Roboter, the other for eurobot) are doing their very best. Take a look how beautiful the little one on life support parks next to its older brother.
We finally assembled our main robot for eurobot competition. First tests …. sound promising! 😉
We are setting up our testing area. Towers, home automation panel, ultrasonic beacons… You may also sneak a peek of our robot. 😉
Just a short update for today: Our automation panel is going to be built this weekend. Hopefully our builders know how to use our conceptual design. 🙂
Our first approach to collect the balls was a tube-shaped object. The balls would be accelerated by a hair-dryer and…. Yes, we noticed it. The tube was too big for the contest, the hair-dryer was a stupid idea. And it didn’t work at all. 🙁 But at least we tried. … Weiterlesen …
We made several test runs with a self-made beacon system. The system is based on ultrasound and radio frequency. It would involve 3 towers for trilateration and a receiver on top of our robot. First test results seem to be very promising.
Hardware team tried to calculate the speed of our robot. We use stepper motors. Find the flaw… 🙂