Eurobot 2017/2018 – Testing Area
We are setting up our testing area. Towers, home automation panel, ultrasonic beacons… You may also sneak a peek of our robot. 😉
Robotik-AG des Gymnasiums Markt Indersdorf
We are setting up our testing area. Towers, home automation panel, ultrasonic beacons… You may also sneak a peek of our robot. 😉
Just a short update for today: Our automation panel is going to be built this weekend. Hopefully our builders know how to use our conceptual design. 🙂
Our first approach to collect the balls was a tube-shaped object. The balls would be accelerated by a hair-dryer and…. Yes, we noticed it. The tube was too big for the contest, the hair-dryer was a stupid idea. And it didn’t work at all. 🙁 But at least we tried. … Weiterlesen …
We made several test runs with a self-made beacon system. The system is based on ultrasound and radio frequency. It would involve 3 towers for trilateration and a receiver on top of our robot. First test results seem to be very promising.
We did it! Our project is coming to an end. The educational computer is built. The carrying case is developed. And we composed a presentation in our assembly hall. Take a look:
Working on the carrying case…
We are working on the carrying case of our educational computer. We met with 15 people seeking political asylum to discuss several solutions.
An expert for solar energy visited us today. He gave a lecture about the possible components of solar powered and portable equipment. He introduced us into the project „Solarkoffer“ of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. We were really proud as he complimented us on our cost-efficient approach. 🙂
3D printing and assembling of our educational computer is coming close to an end. Take a look:
Last week we have had a meeting with the TUM. Everything went pretty well. The robot accomplished the main aim: following the line. The next goal is to identify a wall in front of him. (author: Christopher)