Schüler bauen Roboter: The Finals

Both MAI teams did a great job at the Schüler bauen Roboter Finals. But there was a huge surprise in the end: the junior team – although it was by far the youngest team in the competition – produced the best result at the end. Therefore more than deserved the … Weiterlesen …

Homepage Updates

Our webmaster was ill for some time. The blogposts written so far will be published in the coming days and weeks. Stay tuned! We have been really busy! 🙂

Schüler bauen Roboter Junior: Kick-Off

This week we have received our task and the rules for season 2023-2024. We have to build a robot that can autonomously master a course with different types of ground. The floor types are a ramp, gravel, porcelain tiles and carpet. the task is to complete the course as quickly … Weiterlesen …

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