Our team has had a quite productive week.
Over the last few days, we managed to finish with the first picture for SDG 13 and so laid the foundation for future work on this implementation of our ideas, which we hopefully will have done in the next two weeks, so we can get this topic finished before New Year’s Eve.
The other one or two pictures are planned for the holidays and could be finished by the end of January.
In a second step we also discussed possibilities to transform thoughts into visual results. As there were many great ideas it took some time, but it was fun and we got some interesting ways to realize things that will come up in a few weeks or even months, but then we will be ready to tackle these issues.
Also, we started writing the information texts which will be included in the picture mentioned before. But a big piece of work still needs to be done on that.
(author: Alex, Leonie, Lydia)