This week we were talking about the robots´designs more in detail. As you already know, we´re planning to build two bots – a bigger one and a smaller one.
Let´s talk first about the big one. We are planning to use it for the main task, which is sorting the atoms by their weight or color.

In order to weight the atoms and to transport them, we are using a suction pump system.

Now some technical facts. For driving we are using two stepper with an 1:4 ratio, which are powered with 36V by a 9S LiPo. To power everything else with the right amount of voltage, we are going to build in three voltage converters (12V for the suction pump, 5V 7V for the seven five servos and 5V for logical parts like the processor or the distance meter).
Coming to the small bot, which gets the task to accomplish the experiment, we have orientated us to our last year´s design, of course with some minor changes. It is planned to put a servo, with a little wand on it, on the back of the robot, to be able to cross the ramp properly. Since the bot has got only two main wheels we are also using a ball caster for stabilization.
(author: Leonie)