Greetings fellow robot-enthusiasts,
Team MAI is glad to welcome you back to our homepage!
As you may have noticed, we are undertaking some revisions to our websites structure, which goes more or less smoothly.
In more exiting news, we are very pleased about the many new members who joined our team for this years competition. Members page should be updated, so you may take a look! 😀
Preperations are running high here at the GMI, most of our team already met four times in the last month, discussing the usual topics that come with the start of every new year.
So far, we agreed on an unusually high number of conclusions, which I hope is a great omen. We figured out our bots design, got good ideas for our code and also decided to not go with steppers this year, surely we will figure out something more suitable for our purposes (or maybe we already did so? 😉 ).
(author: Luis)