Projekt Lerncomputer – information exchange with an expert

An expert for solar energy visited us today. He gave a lecture about the possible components of solar powered and portable equipment. He introduced us into the project „Solarkoffer“ of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung. We were really proud as he complimented us on our cost-efficient approach. 🙂

Projekt Lerncomputer #2

The following notifications of UNICEF confirmed our resolution to develop an educational computer: Entwicklung beginnt mit den Kindern Entwicklung beginnt mit den Kindern 2 Our goal is it to build a small computer with an independent energy source: a solar panel. Thus some kind of education would be possible for … Weiterlesen …

Projekt Lerncomputer #1

The robotics club has been part of our school for many years. At the moment we are 23 members of mixed gender. Our team consists of pupils from year 7 to 12. In former years we successfully took part in the international “Student Robotics” competetition in England, which unfortunately is … Weiterlesen …

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