Schüler bauen Roboter 2017/2018 #1

We are ordering the different parts for the robot this week. But which parts we use will be classified. The design of the robot is also making progress. Our design team is going to place a pug soft toy in a pink unicorn costume onto the bot. The body of … Weiterlesen …

Week #12.1

Last Thursday we visited our patron MircroNova. We got informed about how they plan their projects and how their project management works. We are proud to say that our project management doesn’t differ too much from their management and we can say we’re quite happy with our time and project … Weiterlesen …

Week #11.1 – Team Munich

Today Team Munich was at the middle meet-up from „Schüler bauen Roboter“ and due to that building and coding started the days before. Information about the meet-up are posted in the next days.Photos will be added (author: Rhea)

Week #4.1 – Team Munich

This week we decided how our bot should look like and thought about its functions. As we don’t quite know how our competition route is built, we are still curious about how our main goal will be reached. At last we (Team Munich) came up with the basic strategy last … Weiterlesen …

Week #3.1 – Team Munich

Our main team for the competition by the TUM, went to the kickstart for “Schüler bauen Roboter“ . First we got to know the other teams after that we got to know the gamemode: line-following ?  We also got our robot kit with some parts for example the “Arduino Uno“, … Weiterlesen …

Week #1.2

If you have been following since day one of this years bolg, you already know that we gained a lot of new people for our team, which led us the the conclusion that it is porpably the most sensible tactic for us the split in two groups. One group is … Weiterlesen …

Week #1.1

Greetings fellow robot-enthusiasts,Team MAI is glad to welcome you back to our homepage!As you may have noticed, we are undertaking some revisions to our websites structure, which goes more or less smoothly.In more exiting news, we are very pleased about the many new members who joined our team for this … Weiterlesen …

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