MAI Cup Junior: New Battery

This week we again tried to connect the port expander, but it didn’t work as expected. We’ll try solving this problem next week. But we successfully connected our 9V battery to the DC-DC, so we can now use one battery instead of two. This also allows us to easily connect … Weiterlesen …

MAI Cup Junior: Plans for the Week

This week we mainly planned our to-dos for friday. We’re planning lots of things like measuring the floor in the area the maze will be in, so that our sensors won’t think they’re a line, or testing how big the minimal distance the magnet that will be used for giving … Weiterlesen …

MAI Cup Junior: Colour Sensors

This week we managed to build in three colour sensors. With the help of those sensors, we can measure the intensity of the reflected light. The reflected light shows us the colour of the bottom of the maze. Those are the pieces of information we need so that our robot … Weiterlesen …

MAI Cup Senior: Robot is built!

Our robot is finally built. We now have an aluminium case, and the gear box is working like it is shown in the video. The only problem we encountered so far is that the centre of mass is not correctly placed so we must adjust it with some changes. In … Weiterlesen …

MAI Cup Junior: How does it work?

We want to give you a little insight into our work. Here you can see the cabling and the basic data flow of our robot. Take a look: We also did some additional test runs. There is still a lot of work to do:

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